This is the Alpha server 2020-07-21 00:23

Changes hosted here are bleeding-edge, immediately post-merge pull requests. They go to next, then finally to

HebaruSan on SpaceDock Alpha

KSP Forums: HebaruSan

KerbalX: HebaruSan

GitHub: HebaruSan

IRC: HebaruSan

Steam: hebarusan

Discord: HebaruSan

YouTube: HebaruSan

Mod Packs by HebaruSan

test pack please ignore (4 mods)

Is this working?

Trying to test null description (0 mods)

Can this be private? (1 mods)

Mods created for Balsa

v1.27.385be3ba352a0 for Balsa 0.21.7

NetKAN (Inflator)

Mods created for Kerbal Space Program for KSP 1.12.3

Spectra Metadata Example

2 for KSP 1.0

What about Chrome

v1.0 for KSP 1.0

Test mod

Mods HebaruSan follows

1.3.1 for KSP 1.12.5

Yet another test moD


Yet another test moD

1.8 for KSP 1.12.5


v1.0 for KSP 1.0

Test mod